With millions of websites offering the latest and greatest fitness, health and nutrition information its hard to know what is really legitimate advice. While searching the web can be an enjoyable pastime,when you want the right answers you may not always have the patience to read each and every blog or website out there. Here are a few sites that are easy to navigate, have great information and best of all…are FREE!!
This is a free online fitness and nutrition tracking site. It offers a very easy to follow nutrition tracker and activity tracker . It is a very interactive program and connects you to a huge online community of people trying to achieve the same goals as you!
Once you input your information it designs a basic workout plan and a suggested caloric intake so you can track and stay on target. With recipes and cooking demos, exercise demos and workouts you will have a comprehensive program to lead you in the right direction.
Instead of trying to be motivated by a scale on sparkpeople you can earn spark point s to help motivate you towards your goal.
What it offers:
· Create your own profile
· Track daily nutrition and calories- earn points with each log in
· Track Exercise – Workout recommendations that include cardio and strength suggestions
· Large online support system- connects you to teams of people with same interests and goals
This is a website for fitness professionals with information that is accessible to everyone. Because of its professional nature you are insured to receive the correct information on fitness and nutrition.
What it offers:
· Exercise Library – animated videos that are categorized by body part
· Workouts- animated videos that lead you through workouts designed for all levels and body parts
· Nutrition /Fitness/health calculators –BMI calculators, body fat calculator, heart rate zone calculator, Daily caloric needs calculator
This is a website with a collaboration of exercise and workout suggestions. You will find workouts categorized by cardio, fatloss, body parts, and tips
What it offers-
· Animated pictures with each exercise
· You Tube videos pertaining to selected workouts
· Printable versions
This website is for those interested in starting up a running program or have a goal to run a race. It offers you beginners to advanced running regimens to follow whether its your first time hitting the road or you are ready to take it to the next level.
What it offers:
· C25k – Couch to 5k program
· Injury prevention advice
· Free running log
· Marathon advice and race schedule
· Online virtual trainer to see you through your training